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The Maker's Diet Revolution is the long awaited sequel to The Maker's Diet that Jordan Rubin’s fans are ready for. Jordan will share everything he has learned in the years since he wrote The Maker's Diet, including:
Jordan Rubin is a renowned natural health expert and NYT Best-selling author of The Maker's Diet.
The Daniel Diet featured in The Maker's Diet Revolution is unique because it
offers many of the benefits of fasting, but without the potential dangers of
going without food. It's a partial fast that is relatively easy to follow, which
makes it ideal for anyone who has never experienced fasting before. Through
fasting, you may experience breakthroughs in your life that nothing else can
bring and remove strongholds that have lingered for years. If you have any
doubts about whether fasting is right for you, check out this list of incredible
benefits. In just 10 days, you will be transformed!
Q: How is The Maker's Diet Revolution different from The Maker's Diet?
A: The Maker's Diet Revolution expands upon the principles of The Maker's Diet, including:
Eat what God created for food
Don't alter God's design
Don't let any food or drink become your idol
In addition, rather than a 40-day health plan outlined in The Maker's Diet, the new Maker's Diet Revolution is a 10-day partial fasting and cleansing program designed to "jump start" your health and renew your mind, body and spirit.
Q: Is this a vegan diet?
A: The 10-day cleansing program is vegan while the long term maintenance plan is for both vegans and non-vegans alike.
Q: Why is The Maker's Diet Revolution 10-day program effective?
A: The 10-day plan embraces the body's natural cycles by employing the ancient strategy of regular cleansing and building. The Maker's Diet Revolution emphasizes two simple strategies:
Get the "good" in (nutrients) Get the "bad" out (toxins)
Q: How many calories per day will I consume on the 10-day plan?
A: You will consume approximately 1,200 to 1,500 nutrient dense calories per day.
Q: How much weight can I lose?
A: When an initial focus group of 400 people committed to the diet, the average weight loss in 10 days was 14.5 pounds for males and 8.3 pounds for females.
Q: Why is the plan referred to as "The Daniel Diet?"
A: While on a mission trip to India, Jordan was inspired by a vision God gave him of a healthy diet plan similar to what Daniel and his three friends consumed in biblical times nearly 2,600 years ago.
Q: What is "pulse," as described in biblical times?
A: In biblical times, pulse was described as all leguminous plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and grains.
Q: What are the Beyond Organic foods mentioned in the book? Do I need these in order for the diet to work?
A: Although Jordan suggests specific foods, beverages, snacks and supplements that he regularly consumes and that are produced on his Beyond Organic ranches, you can have success with the diet with items purchased at your grocery store or farmer's market. Those interested in convenience or consuming the healthy foods Jordan has formulated can visit the web site for more information.
Q: What are some signs that the fast is working?
A: Physically, since your body will begin to detoxify, you may experience a coated tongue, headaches, bad breath, body odor, digestion and elimination changes, fatigue, and even the sniffles. This means the fast is working! Remember, any side effects are temporary and your reward of better health is only days away!
Q: Are there books and resources available for my church or small group?
A: Yes, there is a Maker's Diet Revolution curriculum and cookbook. Please see their pages on this site for more information: MDR Curriculum and MDR Cookbook
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